Friday, March 25, 2011

N has been a little under the weather...

There is a great afternoon tradition here in Florence, of going out on a nice day, sitting at an outdoor cafe and sipping negronis (vermouth+gin+campari+blood orange). While you sip your drink they will ferry out different snacks to you to enjoy with your drink. R and I went to the cafe of a famous italian fashion desginer (Roberto Cavalli-whom from now on I would boycott if i could afford anything he makes) and enjoyed negronis and various finger foods. It is a pretty upscale place with very fashionable I was very surprised a short time later to realize that I had gotten food poisoning from designer ham sandwiches! That was a couple days ago, and after a little discomfort, alot of bananas and soup, and gatorade, I am finally back in good health. The gatorade made not have been necessary, but since here all oranges are blood oranges, I couldnt resist the opportunity to try blood orange gatorade, which looked like this:

Like I said, it was an uncomfortable couple days but I am fine now, feeling much better. Do not worry (moms). I'm not sure how after eating at some pretty suspicious places in college and after, I only get food poisoning when I go to an italian designer's florentine cafe.

Anyways, since I'm back in good health and have regained a hardy appetite (the worst part for sure of food poisoning, not wanting to eat in a country known for its food), R and I are going to make a short trip to Lucca and Pisa this weekend.


  1. i'm glad you're well again. having never experienced food poisoning, it sounds awful and sad. i too will boycott this person, what does he design again?
